by His grace, for His glory
Katelynn GriffeyKatelynn Griffey

Katelynn Griffey

"The Process""The Process"
check out my album

"The Process"

album featurettealbum featurette

album featurette



You can find my music on just about any streaming site you can think of! My music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Pandora, and even Tik Tok among many other sites! To find my album, "The Process", search my name, "Katelynn Griffey" , or the album name, "the process"! My EP is under my maiden name, since it was released a year before I got married, so the EP "All Things New" can be found under "Katelynnn Freese".
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lyrics and chordslyrics and chords

lyrics and chords

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check it out!

upcoming events and bookingupcoming events and booking

upcoming events and booking

"the process""the process"

about me

I am a young recording artist based in St. Louis, Missouri. I grew up loving how connected I feel to the Lord through playing music and singing praises to Him. From there, I developed a passion to make His name known throughout the earth, and to challenge other believers to pursue truth even through hardship.
my storymy story

my story

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If you have any questions or concerns regarding your purchase, feel free to reach out!